
Registered office address

103 Hugo Johnston Drive
Penrose, Auckland 1061
New Zealand




Bank of New Zealand Limited


Harmos Horton Lusk

Share Registry

Link Market Services

Just Life Group

103 Hugo Johnston Drive
Penrose, Auckland 1061
New Zealand

Private Bag 92811
Penrose, Auckland 1642
New Zealand
Tel 0800 801 802
Tel  +64-9 630 1300


Founder, CEO, Executive Director
Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director
Independent Director
Independent Director
Non Executive Director

Executive Management

Founder, CEO, Executive Director
Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Executive Director
General Manager - Healthy Homes
General Manager - Healthy Living

Our brands

All of our brands are dedicated to improving the wellbeing of you and your home.

Healthy Living

Healthy Homes